Logical Functions in Microsoft Excel helps to check if an expression is True or False based on a logic. For example, we can check if two numbers are equals to an integer. Or we can check if once of the given expression is True, or all the expressions in a formula are True. We can use the Logical Function in the Excel to check the expression if they are True or False based on a certain Logic or Condition.
Logical Functions in Excel
Here are the list of Logical Functions available in Microsoft Excel. We have AND, OR, NOT Functions in Excel to form the logical expressions. Excel is introduced XOR in Excel 2013, and SWITCH function in Excel 2016 version of the MS Office Release.
Function | Description |
AND function | AND function is helps to check if all conditions are True. AND function returns TRUE if all the expressions passed as its arguments are true, it return FALSE if any of the expressions is False. |
OR function | OR function is very useful to check if any of the condition is True. OR function returns TRUE if any pf the expressions passed as its arguments are true, it return FALSE if all the expressions are False. |
NOT function | NOT function creates Reverse of the given logic. For example, !k=5 means K<>5 . |
SWITCH function | SWITCH function will match the expression against a list of values and returns the respective matching value of the first match. We can also mention the default value to be returned if there is no match case found. |
XOR function | XOR function create the logical exclusive of OR function. |
TRUE function | TRUE function returns the logical value TRUE. |
FALSE function | FALSE function returns the logical value FALSE. |
IF function | IF Function helps to evaluate the logical expression. We can specify the value to return if the logical expression is TRUE And we can also specify another value or expression if the evaluating logic is FALSE. |
IFERROR function | IFERROR function returns the result of the expression if there is no error in evaluated result. It will return the specified value or expression if the result of evaluated expression is ERROR. |
IFNA function | IFNA function returns the result of the expression if the expression is not evaluated to #NA. It will return the specified value or expression if the result of evaluated expression is #NA. |
IFS function | IFS function is a nested IF function to check multiple expressions. IFS function returns the corresponding value or evaluates the expression of the first match. |