Excel ribbon is the navigation menu in Excel, shows all the Controls and Commands in different Tabs. All commands available in Excel are grouped and provided in separate tabs of Ribbon based on the functionality to deal with verity of the Objects in Excel.
There are several Tabs in Excel: File, Home, Insert, Draw, Page Layout, Data, Review, View, Developer, Add-ins, Help,etc. You can see the built-in command bars are grouped together in each ribbon based on its functionality.
Components of the Excel Ribbon:
Excel Ribbon Can be divided into several Parts. Here are the Different parts of the Excel Ribbon.
- BackView: BackView Of the Excel Ribbon Contains File Information, Open, New, Save, Export and Options.
- Quick Access Toolbar: Top Left Conner of The Excel Ribbon Contains Quick Access Toolbar. You can add any command to this Ribbon Part to quickly access the command bars.
- Ribbon Tabs: Excel Ribbon Contains Ribbon Tabs to show the Excel Commands. Excel is grouped all the commands into these ribbon for easy access.
- Groups: All the similar commands are grouped into one group in each Tab. Every Excel Ribbon Tab contains one or multiple Groups
List of Tabs in Ribbon
Here are the list of Tabs available in Excel Ribbon Menu. Each tab contains verity of Excel commands divided into different groups in Excel Ribbon Tabs.
- File Tab: All the commands related to Excel File to Save, Open, Close and Change the Excel Options
- Home Tab: Home Tab contains the standard Excel Commands. Most of these are related to Formatting and Copy Paste Commands. For Example: Copy, Cut, Paste, Font, Bold, Alignment, Number Formatting, Insert, Delete, etc.
- Insert Tab: Insert Tab contains the commands to insert into Excel File. You can insert Table, Pivot Table, Picture, Shapes, Icons, Charts and Symbols.
- Draw Tab: This is newly added tab which provided with drawing tools.
- Page Layout Tab: All the commands related to Page settings and Layouts, Printing Options can view in Page Layout tab.
- Formulas Tab: You can view Excel Functions Library and Defined Names, Auditing and Calculations commands in Formulas Ribbon Tab.
- Data Tab: Data Tab contains commands for connecting and importing Data, Sorting and Filtering Data Commands, Data Validation, Text to Columns, Remove Duplicates and Outline commands.
- Review Tab: It contains Spell check, comments and protection commands.
- View Tab: You can view Workbook Views, Show, Zoom, Window and Macros from View Tab.
- Developer Tab: All the Commands related Excel VBA Development can be found in the Developer Tab.
- Format Tab: This tab contains commands for formatting cells, such as changing font size, color, and style, as well as border styles, shading, and cell protection.
- Chart Tools Tab: This tab is displayed when a chart is selected, and contains commands for customizing the appearance and data of the chart, such as adding or removing chart elements, changing chart types, and formatting chart data series.
- PivotTable Tools Tab: This tab is displayed when a PivotTable or PivotChart is selected, and contains commands for managing and analyzing large sets of data, such as creating calculated fields, grouping data, and filtering results.
- Add-ins Tab: This tab is displayed when a compatible add-in is installed and activated, and contains commands for working with the add-in’s features and functionality.
Overall, the Excel Ribbon provides users with a powerful and flexible interface for performing a wide variety of tasks, and its menus and commands can be customized to suit the specific needs and preferences of individual users.
Commands in Ribbon:
Here is a more detailed explanation of the common commands found in each of the tabs in the Excel Ribbon:
Home Tab:
- Clipboard: Cut, Copy, and Paste commands for moving or duplicating data within a worksheet or between different worksheets or workbooks.
- Font: Commands for formatting text, such as font style, size, color, bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough.
- Alignment: Commands for adjusting the alignment of text within cells, such as horizontal and vertical alignment, text wrap, and indent.
- Number: Commands for formatting numeric values, such as currency, date and time, percentage, and scientific notation.
- Styles: Commands for applying predefined styles to cells, such as Title, Heading, and Total styles.
- Cells: Commands for managing cells, such as inserting or deleting cells, hiding or unhiding rows and columns, and merging cells.
- Editing: Commands for editing data within cells, such as Find and Replace, Clear, and Undo and Redo.
Group | Command | Description |
Clipboard | Cut | Cut the selected cells, rows, or columns |
Clipboard | Copy | Copy the selected cells, rows, or columns |
Clipboard | Paste | Paste the copied or cut cells, rows, or columns |
Clipboard | Paste Special | Choose a paste option, such as values or formatting |
Clipboard | Format Painter | Copy the formatting of selected cells and apply it to other cells |
Font | Font | Choose a font for the selected cells |
Font | Font Size | Choose a font size for the selected cells |
Font | Bold | Make the selected text bold |
Font | Italic | Make the selected text italic |
Font | Underline | Underline the selected text |
Font | Strikethrough | Add a strikethrough to the selected text |
Font | Subscript | Make the selected text a subscript |
Font | Superscript | Make the selected text a superscript |
Font | Change Case | Change the case of the selected text |
Font | Text Effects | Add an effect, such as shadow or reflection, to the selected text |
Font | Font Color | Choose a font color for the selected cells |
Font | Fill Color | Choose a fill color for the selected cells |
Alignment | Wrap Text | Wrap text within a cell |
Alignment | Merge & Center | Merge selected cells and center the content |
Alignment | Merge Across | Merge selected cells across a row |
Alignment | Merge Cells | Merge selected cells |
Alignment | Align Left | Align text to the left of the cell |
Alignment | Center | Center text within a cell |
Alignment | Align Right | Align text to the right of the cell |
Alignment | Increase Indent | Increase the indentation of the text within a cell |
Alignment | Decrease Indent | Decrease the indentation of the text within a cell |
Alignment | Orientation | Change the orientation of the text within a cell |
Alignment | Vertical Alignment | Choose a vertical alignment for the content within a cell |
Number | Number Format | Choose a number format for the selected cells |
Number | Percent Style | Apply a percent format to the selected cells |
Number | Comma Style | Apply a comma format to the selected cells |
Number | Increase Decimal | Increase the number of decimal places displayed for the selected cells |
Number | Decrease Decimal | Decrease the number of decimal places displayed for the selected cells |
Number | Accounting Number Format | Apply an accounting number format to the selected cells |
Styles | Cell Styles | Apply a predefined cell style to the selected cells |
Styles | Conditional Formatting | Apply formatting based on certain conditions |
Cells | Insert | Insert cells, rows, columns, or sheets |
Cells | Delete | Delete cells, rows, columns, or sheets |
Cells | Format | Choose a cell format for the selected cells |
Cells | Hide & Unhide | Hide or unhide rows, columns, or sheets |
Cells | Find & Select | Find and select specific content within the worksheet |
Editing | Find | Find specific content within the worksheet |
Editing | Replace | Replace specific content within the worksheet |
Editing | Go To | Go to a specific cell, row, column, or sheet |
Editing | Sort & Filter | Sort or filter the data within the worksheet |
Editing | Conditional Formatting | Apply formatting based on certain conditions |
Editing | Clear | Clear the content or formatting of the selected cells |
Editing | Data Validation | Set rules for the data entered in the |
Insert Tab:
- Tables: Commands for creating and formatting tables, such as Table, PivotTable, and Recommended Charts.
- Illustrations: Commands for inserting images, shapes, SmartArt, and charts.
- Add-ins: Commands for adding custom add-ins or features to Excel, such as My Add-ins, Store, and Office Add-ins.
- Charts: Commands for creating and formatting charts, such as Column, Line, Pie, and Scatter charts.
- Sparklines: Commands for creating and formatting small charts that fit within a single cell, such as Line, Column, and Win/Loss sparklines.
- Filter: Commands for filtering data within a table or range, such as Sort and Filter.
Group | Command | Description |
Tables | Table | Convert a range of cells into a table |
Tables | PivotTable | Create a PivotTable from the selected data |
Tables | Recommended Charts | View suggested chart types based on the selected data |
Illustrations | Pictures | Insert a picture from a file or online source |
Illustrations | Online Pictures | Search for and insert pictures from online sources |
Illustrations | Shapes | Insert a shape, such as a line, rectangle, or arrow |
Illustrations | Icons | Insert an icon from a library of built-in icons |
Illustrations | 3D Models | Insert a 3D model from an online source or a file |
Illustrations | SmartArt | Insert a SmartArt graphic, such as a process or hierarchy diagram |
Illustrations | Chart | Insert a chart based on the selected data |
Add-Ins | Add-Ins | View and manage available add-ins |
Add-Ins | Store | Browse and download add-ins from the Microsoft Store |
Charts | Column | Insert a column chart based on the selected data |
Charts | Line | Insert a line chart based on the selected data |
Charts | Pie | Insert a pie chart based on the selected data |
Charts | Bar | Insert a bar chart based on the selected data |
Charts | Area | Insert an area chart based on the selected data |
Charts | Scatter | Insert a scatter chart based on the selected data |
Charts | Map | Insert a map chart based on geographic data |
Sparklines | Line | Insert a line sparkline to show trends within the selected data |
Sparklines | Column | Insert a column sparkline to show trends within the selected data |
Sparklines | Win/Loss | Insert a win/loss sparkline to show trends within the selected data |
Filters | Filter | Add a filter to the selected data to allow for sorting and filtering |
Text | Text Box | Insert a text box to add text or captions to the worksheet |
Text | Header & Footer | Add headers and footers to the worksheet for printing |
Text | WordArt | Insert stylized text to the worksheet |
Text | Drop Cap | Add a decorative initial letter to the beginning of a block of text |
Symbols | Symbol | Insert a symbol, such as a currency or mathematical symbol |
Media | Audio | Insert an audio clip into the worksheet |
Media | Video | Insert a video clip into the worksheet |
Links | Hyperlink | Insert a hyperlink to another location or file |
Links | Bookmark | Create a bookmark to a specific location within the worksheet |
Comments | Comment | Add a comment to a cell to provide additional information |
Other | Object | Insert an object, such as a file or chart, into the worksheet |
Other | Equation | Insert an equation into the worksheet |
Other | Signature Line | Insert a signature line for digital signatures |
Page Layout Tab:
- Themes: Commands for applying or customizing themes that change the overall appearance of a worksheet or workbook, such as colors, fonts, and effects.
- Page Setup: Commands for adjusting the page layout of a worksheet, such as margins, orientation, size, and print area.
- Scale to Fit: Commands for adjusting the scale of a worksheet to fit a certain number of pages, such as adjusting the width or height of printed pages.
- Sheet Options: Commands for adding or removing gridlines, headers, and footers, as well as controlling the visibility of objects such as shapes and charts.
- Arrange: Commands for arranging or aligning objects within a worksheet, such as Bring to Front, Send to Back, and Align Left.
Group | Command | Description |
Themes | Themes | Apply a predefined color scheme and font style to the worksheet |
Themes | Colors | Apply a specific color scheme to the worksheet |
Themes | Fonts | Apply a specific font style to the worksheet |
Page Setup | Page Setup | Set up the page orientation, margins, and paper size for printing |
Page Setup | Scale to Fit | Adjust the scaling of the worksheet to fit on a specific number of pages |
Page Setup | Sheet Options | Set options for printing the worksheet, such as gridlines and headings |
Page Setup | Arrange | Adjust the placement and order of objects, such as pictures and shapes |
Page Setup | Background | Add a background image or color to the worksheet |
Page Setup | Print Titles | Set rows and columns to repeat on each printed page |
Page Setup | Page Borders | Add a border to the edges of the printed page |
Page Setup | Watermark | Add a watermark, such as “Draft” or “Confidential,” to the worksheet |
Page Setup | Breaks | Insert page breaks to control where pages end and new ones begin |
Page Setup | View | Switch between different views, such as Normal and Page Break Preview |
Page Setup | Macros | Record or run macros to automate tasks |
Scale to Fit | Width | Adjust the scaling of the worksheet to fit on a specific number of pages horizontally |
Scale to Fit | Height | Adjust the scaling of the worksheet to fit on a specific number of pages vertically |
Scale to Fit | Scale | Adjust the scaling of the worksheet to fit on a specific number of pages both horizontally and vertically |
Sheet Options | Gridlines | Show or hide gridlines on the printed worksheet |
Sheet Options | Headings | Show or hide row and column headings on the printed worksheet |
Sheet Options | Breaks | Show or hide page breaks on the printed worksheet |
Sheet Options | Background | Show or hide the background image or color on the printed worksheet |
Sheet Options | Draft Quality | Print the worksheet in draft quality to save ink and toner |
Arrange | Position | Align objects to specific positions, such as center or left |
Arrange | Size | Resize objects to specific dimensions |
Arrange | Wrap Text | Wrap text around objects to fit them into the worksheet |
Arrange | Bring Forward | Bring an object to the front of the worksheet |
Arrange | Send Backward | Send an object to the back of the worksheet |
Arrange | Group | Group multiple objects together for easier editing and formatting |
Arrange | Rotate | Rotate an object to a specific angle |
Macros | Macros | Record or run macros to automate tasks |
Formulas Tab:
- Function Library: Commands for inserting and working with built-in Excel functions, such as SUM, AVERAGE, and IF.
- Defined Names: Commands for creating and managing named ranges and formulas.
- Formula Auditing: Commands for tracing and evaluating formulas, such as Trace Precedents, Trace Dependents, and Evaluate Formula.
- Calculation: Commands for controlling the calculation settings of Excel, such as Automatic or Manual calculation, and Data Tables.
- Formula Bar: Commands for adjusting the display and editing of the Formula Bar, such as Show Formula or Show Functions.
Group | Command | Description |
Function Library | Insert Function | Open the Insert Function dialog box to search and select a specific function |
Function Library | Financial | Perform financial calculations, such as calculating loan payments or depreciation |
Function Library | Logical | Evaluate logical statements, such as IF statements |
Function Library | Text | Manipulate text strings, such as concatenating or extracting specific characters |
Function Library | Date & Time | Work with dates and times, such as calculating the difference between two dates |
Function Library | Lookup & Reference | Look up and reference specific data in a worksheet or external file |
Function Library | Math & Trig | Perform mathematical and trigonometric calculations, such as calculating the square root or sine of an angle |
Function Library | More Functions | Open a list of additional functions, such as database and engineering functions |
Defined Names | Define Name | Create a name for a cell or range of cells to make it easier to reference |
Defined Names | Name Manager | Manage existing names, including renaming, deleting, and modifying |
Formula Auditing | Trace Precedents | Show the cells that provide input to the selected cell |
Formula Auditing | Trace Dependents | Show the cells that depend on the selected cell |
Formula Auditing | Remove Arrows | Remove all tracing arrows |
Formula Auditing | Error Checking | Check for errors in the worksheet formulas |
Formula Auditing | Evaluate Formula | Evaluate the selected formula step by step |
Calculation | Calculation Options | Change the calculation options, such as automatic or manual |
Calculation | Calculate Now | Calculate all formulas in the worksheet |
Calculation | Calculate Sheet | Calculate all formulas in the active worksheet |
Calculation | Calculate Workbook | Calculate all formulas in the entire workbook |
Calculation | Calculate Selection | Calculate only the selected cells |
Calculation | Circular References | Display or ignore circular references |
Calculation | Error Checking | Check for errors in the worksheet formulas |
Calculation | Enable Iterative Calculation | Enable iterative calculation to solve circular references |
Calculation | Watch Window | Add or remove cells to the watch window to monitor their values |
Calculation | Evaluate Formula | Evaluate the selected formula step by step |
Data Tab:
- Get & Transform Data: Commands for importing and transforming data from external sources, such as Query Editor, Data Model, and From Other Sources.
- Sort & Filter: Commands for sorting and filtering data within a table or range, such as Sort A-Z, Sort Z-A, and Filter by Color.
- Data Tools: Commands for working with data, such as Data Validation, Remove Duplicates, and Text to Columns.
- Outline: Commands for creating and manipulating outlines of data, such as Group and Ungroup, and Subtotal.
- What-If Analysis: Commands for analyzing data under different scenarios, such as Goal Seek, Data Tables, and Scenario Manager.
Group | Command | Description |
Get & Transform Data | Get Data | Open the Get Data dialog box to import data from a variety of sources |
Get & Transform Data | From Table/Range | Import data from a selected table or range |
Get & Transform Data | From Table/Range (Power Query) | Import data from a selected table or range using Power Query |
Get & Transform Data | Recent Sources | View and select recently used data sources |
Get & Transform Data | Show Queries | View and manage all queries created using Power Query |
Get & Transform Data | New Query | Create a new query using Power Query |
Get & Transform Data | Combine Queries | Combine multiple queries into one |
Get & Transform Data | Append Queries | Append two or more queries together |
Get & Transform Data | Merge Queries | Merge two or more queries based on a common column |
Get & Transform Data | Group By | Group rows together based on a selected column |
Get & Transform Data | Pivot Column | Pivot a selected column to create a new table |
Get & Transform Data | Unpivot Columns | Unpivot selected columns to create a new table |
Get & Transform Data | Transform Data | Open the Power Query Editor to transform data |
Connections | Existing Connections | View and manage existing connections to external data sources |
Connections | Refresh All | Refresh all connections in the workbook |
Connections | Edit Links | Edit links to external data sources |
Sort & Filter | Sort A to Z | Sort the selected range in ascending order |
Sort & Filter | Sort Z to A | Sort the selected range in descending order |
Sort & Filter | Sort Smallest to Largest | Sort the selected range in ascending order, based on the values in the leftmost column |
Sort & Filter | Sort Largest to Smallest | Sort the selected range in descending order, based on the values in the leftmost column |
Sort & Filter | Custom Sort | Sort the selected range using custom sort criteria |
Sort & Filter | Filter | Add a filter to the selected range |
Sort & Filter | Clear | Clear any existing filters |
Sort & Filter | Advanced | Open the Advanced Filter dialog box to create more complex filters |
Data Tools | Remove Duplicates | Remove duplicate values from the selected range |
Data Tools | Data Validation | Add data validation rules to the selected cells |
Data Tools | What-If Analysis | Perform what-if analysis using scenarios, goal seek, or data tables |
Outline | Group | Group selected rows or columns together |
Outline | Ungroup | Remove groupings from selected rows or columns |
Outline | Subtotal | Add subtotals to the selected range |
Outline | Show Detail | Show all detail rows within a grouped range |
Outline | Hide Detail | Hide all detail rows within a grouped range |
Outline | Create from Selection | Create a new group from a selected range |
Review Tab:
- Proofing: Commands for checking the spelling and grammar of text within a worksheet, as well as adding and managing custom dictionaries.
- Comments: Commands for adding, viewing, and managing comments within a worksheet, as well as controlling the display and formatting of comments.
- Changes: Commands for tracking and managing changes made to a worksheet, such as accepting or rejecting changes, and comparing different versions of a workbook.
- Compare: Commands for comparing and merging different versions of a workbook or worksheet.
- Protect: Commands for protecting a worksheet or workbook, such as password-protecting cells, or restricting access to certain users or groups.
Group | Command | Description |
Proofing | Spelling | Check the spelling of the selected text or the entire worksheet |
Proofing | Research | Open the Research task pane to search for information |
Proofing | Thesaurus | Open the Thesaurus task pane to find synonyms and antonyms |
Proofing | Translate | Translate selected text or entire worksheet to another language |
Proofing | Word Count | Count the number of words, characters, and paragraphs in the selected text or the entire worksheet |
Comments | New Comment | Add a new comment to the selected cell |
Comments | Edit Comment | Edit the selected comment |
Comments | Delete | Delete the selected comment |
Comments | Previous | Navigate to the previous comment |
Comments | Next | Navigate to the next comment |
Changes | Protect Sheet | Protect the worksheet and specify which cells can be edited |
Changes | Allow Users to Edit Ranges | Specify which ranges can be edited by which users |
Changes | Protect Workbook | Protect the workbook with a password and specify which elements can be edited |
Changes | Share Workbook | Allow multiple users to edit the workbook simultaneously |
Changes | Track Changes | Track changes made to the workbook |
Changes | Highlight Changes | Highlight changes made to the workbook |
Changes | Accept/Reject Changes | Accept or reject changes made to the workbook |
Changes | Protect and Share Workbook | Protect the workbook and share it with others |
Changes | Protect and Share Workbook with Excel Online | Protect the workbook and share it with others using Excel Online |
Changes | Compare and Merge Workbooks | Compare and merge changes made to two different versions of the same workbook |
Changes | Merge Workbooks | Combine multiple workbooks into one |
Changes | Workbook Version History | View the version history of the workbook |
Changes | Restore | Restore the workbook to a previous version |
Changes | Open Version | Open a previous version of the workbook |
Changes | Delete All Comments | Delete all comments in the workbook |
Changes | Delete Comment | Delete the selected comment |
Changes | Show All Comments | Show all comments in the worksheet |
Changes | Show/Hide Markup | Show or hide changes and comments made to the workbook |
Changes | Protect and Share Workbook with SharePoint | Protect the workbook and share it with others using SharePoint |
Changes | Protect and Share Workbook with OneDrive | Protect the workbook and share it with others using OneDrive |
Changes | Protect and Share Workbook with OneDrive for Business | Protect the workbook and share it with others using OneDrive for Business |
View Tab:
- Workbook Views: Commands for changing the view of a workbook, such as Normal, Page Layout, and Page Break Preview.
- Show: Commands for displaying or hiding certain elements within a worksheet, such as Gridlines, Headings, and Formula Bar.
- Zoom: Commands for adjusting the zoom level of a worksheet, such as Zoom In or Zoom Out, and Fit to Window.
- Window: Commands for managing multiple windows or views of a workbook, such as Split, Freeze Panes, and New Window.
- Macros: Commands for recording or editing macros within a workbook, as well as managing the security and settings for macros.
Group | Command | Description |
Workbook Views | Normal | Display the worksheet in Normal view |
Workbook Views | Page Layout | Display the worksheet in Page Layout view |
Workbook Views | Page Break Preview | Display the worksheet in Page Break Preview view |
Workbook Views | Custom Views | Create, modify, or delete custom views of the worksheet |
Workbook Views | Full Screen | Display the worksheet in Full Screen view |
Workbook Views | Switch Windows | Switch between open workbooks |
Show | Gridlines | Show or hide gridlines |
Show | Headings | Show or hide row and column headings |
Show | Formula Bar | Show or hide the Formula Bar |
Show | Ruler | Show or hide the ruler |
Show | Zoom | Change the zoom level of the worksheet |
Show | Arrange All | Arrange all open workbooks |
Show | New Window | Create a new window for the current workbook |
Show | Freeze Panes | Freeze the selected rows or columns |
Show | Split | Split the worksheet into multiple panes |
Show | Window | Display the Window menu |
Macros | Macros | Display the Macros dialog box to create, edit, or delete macros |
Macros | Record Macro | Record a new macro |
Macros | Use Relative References | Toggle the use of relative references in recorded macros |
Macros | Stop Recording | Stop recording the macro |
Macros | Macros Security | Set the level of security for running macros |
Workbook Views | View Side by Side | View two workbooks side by side |
Workbook Views | Synchronous Scrolling | Synchronize scrolling between two worksheets |
Workbook Views | Reset Window Position | Reset the position of the active workbook window |
Workbook Views | View Code | Display the Visual Basic Editor |
Workbook Views | Macros | View the list of macros in the current workbook |
Workbook Views | Zoom to Selection | Zoom in on the selected cell or range |
Workbook Views | Full Screen | Display the worksheet in Full Screen view |
Developer Tab:
- Code: Commands for creating, editing, and running macros and code within Excel, such as Visual Basic Editor, Macros, and Code Snippets.
- Add-ins: Commands for working with add-ins and controls within Excel, such as ActiveX Controls, Add-ins, and XML.
- Controls: Commands for inserting, customizing, and working with form controls, such as Buttons, Check Boxes, and Drop-Down Lists.
- XML: Commands for working with XML data within Excel, such as XML Mapping, Import, and Export.
Group | Command | Description |
Code | Visual Basic | Open the Visual Basic Editor |
Code | Macros | Display the Macros dialog box to create, edit, or delete macros |
Code | Record Macro | Record a new macro |
Code | Use Relative References | Toggle the use of relative references in recorded macros |
Code | Stop Recording | Stop recording the macro |
Code | Macros Security | Set the level of security for running macros |
Add-Ins | Excel Add-Ins | Manage Excel Add-Ins |
Controls | Insert | Insert form controls such as buttons, checkboxes, and drop-down lists |
Controls | Design Mode | Toggle design mode for form controls |
Controls | Properties | Display the Properties dialog box for a selected form control |
XML | Source | Display the XML source code for the current workbook |
XML | Show XML Tools | Display the XML Tools menu |
XML | Map Properties | Display the Map Properties dialog box for the current XML map |
XML | Export | Export the XML data to an XML file or other format |
XML | Import | Import XML data into the current worksheet |
XML | Refresh Data | Refresh the XML data in the worksheet |
XML | Clear Map | Remove the XML mapping from the worksheet |
Add-Ins | Add-Ins | Display the Add-Ins dialog box |
Code | Macro Security | Set the level of security for running macros and add-ins |
Code | Visual Basic | Open the Visual Basic Editor |
Format Tab:
- Cells: Commands for formatting cells, such as Cell Styles, Format Cells, and Conditional Formatting.
- Font: Commands for formatting text within cells, such as Font Styles, Size, and Effects.
- Alignment: Commands for aligning text and objects within cells, such as Horizontal and Vertical Alignment, Indentation, and Orientation.
- Number: Commands for formatting numbers and dates within cells, such as Number Formats, Currency, and Percentage.
- Styles: Commands for applying, creating, or modifying cell styles within a worksheet.
Group | Command | Description |
Cells | Format Cells | Opens the Format Cells dialog box where you can format various cell properties |
Merge & Center | Combines selected cells and centers the content horizontally | |
Wrap Text | Wraps text within a cell to fit the width of the cell | |
Freeze Panes | Keeps rows and/or columns visible while scrolling through a worksheet | |
Font | Font | Changes the font face, size, color, and other font attributes |
Bold | Makes text bold | |
Italic | Makes text italic | |
Underline | Underlines text | |
Alignment | Align Left | Aligns text to the left |
Center | Centers text horizontally | |
Align Right | Aligns text to the right | |
Top | Aligns text to the top | |
Middle | Centers text vertically | |
Bottom | Aligns text to the bottom | |
Borders | Border | Adds or removes cell borders |
Color | Changes the color of cell borders | |
Line Style | Changes the line style of cell borders | |
Border Styles | Applies a predefined border style to selected cells | |
Fill | Fill Color | Changes the background color of cells |
Pattern Fill | Fills cells with a pattern or texture | |
Gradient Fill | Fills cells with a gradient | |
Cell Styles | Cell Styles | Applies predefined cell styles |
New Cell Style | Creates a new cell style based on selected cells | |
Conditional | Highlight | Highlights cells based on certain conditions |
Formatting | Clear | Clears cell formatting |
Chart Tools Tab:
- Design: Commands for designing the appearance and layout of a chart, such as Chart Styles, Chart Layouts, and Chart Titles.
- Data: Commands for managing the data source and values of a chart, such as Select Data, Switch Row/Column, and Edit Data.
- Layout: Commands for customizing the layout and appearance of chart elements, such as Chart Title, Legend, and Data Labels.
- Format: Commands for formatting and customizing the appearance of chart elements, such as Chart Area, Plot Area, and Chart Elements.
- Analyze: Commands for analyzing and summarizing chart data, such as Trendlines, Error Bars, and Moving Average.
Group | Command | Description |
Chart Layouts | Quick Layout | Apply a pre-designed chart layout to the chart |
Chart Layouts | Chart Styles | Apply a pre-designed chart style to the chart |
Data | Select Data | Open the Select Data Source dialog box to modify the chart data |
Data | Switch Row/Column | Switch the rows and columns of the chart data |
Data | Edit Data | Open the data range for the chart |
Type | Change Chart Type | Change the type of chart used |
Type | Chart Templates | Save the current chart as a template for future use |
Location | Move Chart | Move the chart to a new location |
Location | Chart Title | Add or modify the chart title |
Labels | Axis Titles | Add or modify the axis titles |
Labels | Data Labels | Add or remove data labels on the chart |
Labels | Legend | Add or modify the chart legend |
Axes | Primary Horizontal | Add or modify the primary horizontal axis |
Axes | Primary Vertical | Add or modify the primary vertical axis |
Axes | More Axis Options | Display additional options for the chart axes |
Background | Chart Fill | Add or modify the chart fill color or pattern |
Background | Plot Area | Add or modify the plot area fill color or pattern |
Background | Chart Border | Add or modify the chart border |
Analysis | Add Chart Element | Add additional chart elements such as trendlines, error bars, or annotations |
Analysis | Change Chart Layout | Customize the chart layout |
Analysis | Quick Analysis | Display a gallery of recommended chart types and formatting options |
Analysis | Switch Row/Column | Switch the rows and columns of the chart data |
PivotTable Tools Tab:
- Analyze: Commands for analyzing, summarizing, and manipulating PivotTable data, such as PivotTable Fields, Calculated Fields, and Group Selection.
- Design: Commands for designing and formatting PivotTable layouts and styles, such as PivotTable Styles, Layouts, and Subtotals.
- Options: Commands for customizing and adjusting PivotTable settings, such as Data Sources, Refresh, and PivotTable Options.
Group | Command | Description |
PivotTable | PivotTable | Insert a new PivotTable onto the worksheet |
PivotTable | PivotChart | Insert a new PivotChart onto the worksheet |
PivotTable | PivotTable Options | Open the PivotTable Options dialog box to adjust various settings |
PivotTable | Change Data Source | Change the data source for the PivotTable |
PivotTable | Refresh | Refresh the PivotTable with the latest data |
PivotTable | PivotTable Styles | Apply a predefined style to the PivotTable |
Calculations | Fields, Items, & Sets | Open the Fields, Items, & Sets dialog box to manage fields and items in the PivotTable |
Calculations | Calculated Field | Create a new calculated field in the PivotTable |
Calculations | Calculated Item | Create a new calculated item in the PivotTable |
Calculations | Solve Order | Specify the order in which calculations are performed in the PivotTable |
Calculations | OLAP Tools | Access various tools for working with OLAP data sources |
Options | Show | Specify which elements of the PivotTable are displayed |
Options | Totals & Filters | Specify how totals and filters are displayed in the PivotTable |
Options | Active Field | View and adjust settings for the active field in the PivotTable |
Options | Field List | Show or hide the Field List for the PivotTable |
Options | Group Selection | Group items in the PivotTable |
Actions | Actions | Define and manage actions for the PivotTable |
PivotTable Design Tab:
Group | Command | Description |
Layout | Report Layout | Choose a layout for the PivotTable report |
Layout | Grand Totals | Specify how grand totals are displayed in the PivotTable |
Layout | Subtotals | Specify how subtotals are displayed in the PivotTable |
Layout | Blank Rows | Insert or remove blank rows in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Banded Rows | Apply banded row formatting to the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Banded Columns | Apply banded column formatting to the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Row Headers | Specify formatting options for row headers in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Column Headers | Specify formatting options for column headers in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Data | Specify formatting options for data in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Totals | Specify formatting options for totals in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Filtered | Specify formatting options for filtered items in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | First/Last Columns | Specify formatting options for the first and last columns in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Field Headers | Specify formatting options for field headers in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Grand Totals | Specify formatting options for grand totals in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Values | Specify formatting options for values in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Row Subtotals | Specify formatting options for row subtotals in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Column Subtotals | Specify formatting options for column subtotals in the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Clear | Clear all formatting options for the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Duplicate | Duplicate the PivotTable with its current formatting |
PivotTable Style Options | New Table Style | Create a new table style for the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Table Style Options | Customize the current table style for the PivotTable |
PivotTable Style Options | Slicer Styles | Apply a predefined style to the slicer |
Tools | Convert to Formulas | Convert the PivotTable to formulas |
Tools | OLAP Tools | Access various tools for working with OLAP data sources |
Tools | Change Data Source | Change the data source for the PivotTable |
Tools | Refresh | Refresh the PivotTable with the latest data |
Tools | Options | Open the PivotTable Options dialog box to adjust various settings |
Tools | Slicer Connections | Manage slicer connections for the PivotTable |
Shape Format Tab:
Group | Command | Description |
Adjust | Shape Styles | Apply a predefined style to the shape |
Adjust | Shape Effects | Add visual effects to the shape, such as shadows and reflections |
Adjust | Picture Styles | Apply a predefined style to the shape’s picture |
Adjust | Picture Effects | Add visual effects to the shape’s picture, such as borders and reflections |
Arrange | Align | Align multiple shapes relative to one another |
Arrange | Position | Change the position of the shape on the slide |
Arrange | Size | Change the size of the shape |
Arrange | Rotate | Rotate the shape |
Group | Group | Group multiple shapes together |
Group | Ungroup | Ungroup previously grouped shapes |
Group | Regroup | Regroup shapes that were previously grouped |
Group | Bring Forward | Move the shape forward in the stacking order |
Group | Bring to Front | Move the shape to the front of the stacking order |
Group | Send Backward | Move the shape backward in the stacking order |
Group | Send to Back | Move the shape to the back of the stacking order |
Group | Selection Pane | View and manage the selection pane for the current slide |
Insert Shapes | Shapes | Insert a new shape onto the slide |
Insert Shapes | Edit Shape | Edit the current shape |
Insert Shapes | Change Shape | Change the current shape to a different shape |
Insert Shapes | Edit Points | Edit the points of the current shape |
Shape Styles | Shape Fill | Fill the shape with a color or gradient |
Shape Styles | Shape Outline | Change the outline color, weight, and style of the shape |
Shape Styles | Shape Effects | Add visual effects to the shape, such as shadows and reflections |
Shape Styles | Shape Styles | Apply a predefined style to the shape |
Picture Styles | Picture Border | Add a border to the shape’s picture |
Picture Styles | Picture Effects | Add visual effects to the shape’s picture, such as borders and reflections |
Picture Styles | Picture Layout | Change the layout of the shape’s picture |
Picture Styles | Picture Styles | Apply a predefined style to the shape’s picture |
Add-ins Tab:
- Commands for working with installed add-ins, such as activating or deactivating add-ins, or accessing the settings or help files for add-ins.
Group | Command | Description |
Excel Add-ins | Excel Add-ins | Displays the Add-Ins dialog box where you can manage Excel add-ins |
Analysis ToolPak | Provides data analysis tools such as regression and Fourier analysis | |
Solver Add-in | Solves optimization problems using linear programming | |
Euro Currency Tools | Provides Euro currency conversion tools | |
COM Add-ins | Allows you to manage COM add-ins | |
PowerPoint Add-ins | Displays the PowerPoint Add-Ins dialog box where you can manage PowerPoint add-ins | |
Word Add-ins | Displays the Word Add-Ins dialog box where you can manage Word add-ins | |
SharePoint | Provides integration with SharePoint | |
XML | XML | Displays the XML Source task pane where you can view and edit XML data in a worksheet |
Adobe Acrobat | PDFMaker | Converts Excel worksheets into PDF format |
Convert to PDF | Converts the current worksheet or workbook to PDF format | |
Preferences | Displays the Preferences dialog box where you can set options for Adobe Acrobat | |
Reference Tools | Reference Tools | Provides access to reference tools such as the Research pane and Smart Lookup |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia | Opens the Wikipedia website in your default web browser |
YouTube | YouTube | Opens the YouTube website in your default web browser |
Get Add-ins | Store | Opens the Office Add-Ins Store where you can search for and download additional Excel add-ins and other Office add-ins |
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Here are the list of frequently asked QA about Excel Ribbon.
- Q: What is the Excel Ribbon?
A: The Excel Ribbon is the graphical user interface element introduced in Excel 2007, that organizes the commands and tools in a series of tabs, making them easily accessible to users. - Q: How do I customize the Excel Ribbon?
A: To customize the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, you can add new tabs, groups, or commands, rename existing tabs or groups, and change the order in which they appear. - Q: How do I hide or show the Excel Ribbon?
A: To hide or show the Excel Ribbon, click on the arrow button at the top-right corner of the Excel window or press Ctrl + F1. - Q: How do I access the Excel Ribbon with the keyboard?
A: To access the Excel Ribbon with the keyboard, press Alt key. Each tab will have an assigned letter, and you can press the letter to access the corresponding tab. Once you’re in a tab, you can use the arrow keys to navigate and the Enter key to select a command. - Q: How do I add a new command to the Excel Ribbon?
A: To add a new command to the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, you can create a new tab or group, and then add the desired command from the list of available commands. - Q: How do I remove a command from the Excel Ribbon?
A: To remove a command from the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, select the tab and group that contains the command you want to remove, and then click on the command and click the “Remove” button. - Q: How do I group commands in the Excel Ribbon?
A: To group commands in the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, create a new group under the desired tab, and then drag and drop the desired commands into the group. - Q: Can I change the order of the tabs in the Excel Ribbon?
A: Yes, you can change the order of the tabs in the Excel Ribbon by right-clicking on any tab and selecting “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, use the arrows on the right side of the window to move the tabs up or down in the list. - Q: Can I create my own custom tab in the Excel Ribbon?
A: Yes, you can create your own custom tab in the Excel Ribbon by right-clicking on any tab and selecting “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, click the “New Tab” button at the bottom of the window and then add the desired groups and commands. - Q: How do I change the icon displayed for a command in the Excel Ribbon?
A: To change the icon displayed for a command in the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, select the command and click the “Modify” button. In the Modify Button dialog box, click the “Change Icon” button to choose a new icon. - Q: How do I remove a custom tab I created from the Excel Ribbon?
A: To remove a custom tab you created from the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, select the custom tab you want to remove and click the “Remove” button. Note that this will also remove any groups and commands within the tab. - Q: Can I import or export Ribbon customizations to use on another computer or share with others?
A: Yes, you can import or export Ribbon customizations in Excel to use on another computer or share with others. To do this, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, click the “Import/Export” button and select “Export all customizations” to save your customizations to a file. To import customizations from another file, select “Import customizations” and select the file you want to use. - Q: Can I customize the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel?
A: Yes, you can customize the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel by clicking the drop-down arrow on the right side of the toolbar and selecting “Customize Quick Access Toolbar”. From here, you can add or remove commands, or choose to show the toolbar below or above the Ribbon. - Q: How do I add a macro to the Excel Ribbon?
A: To add a macro to the Excel Ribbon, you first need to create the macro using the Visual Basic Editor. Once the macro is created, you can add a custom button to the Ribbon and assign the macro to the button. Right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”, and then click the “New Tab” button to create a new tab. Add a new group and then add a new button. Right-click the button and select “Assign Macro” to assign your macro to the button. - Q: Can I use icons instead of text for the commands in the Excel Ribbon?
A: Yes, you can use icons instead of text for the commands in the Excel Ribbon by right-clicking on any tab and selecting “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, select the command you want to modify and click the “Modify” button. In the Modify Button dialog box, click the “Show image and text” option to display the icon and text for the command, or click “Show image only” to display only the icon. - Q: How do I show the Developer tab in the Excel Ribbon?
A: To show the Developer tab in the Excel Ribbon, click the “File” tab, then click “Options”, and then click “Customize Ribbon”. Under “Customize the Ribbon”, select the “Main Tabs” option and check the box next to “Developer”. - Q: How do I remove a custom group I created from the Excel Ribbon?
A: To remove a custom group you created from the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, select the tab that contains the group you want to remove, and then select the group and click the “Remove” button. Note that this will also remove any commands within the group. - Q: How do I add a custom separator to the Excel Ribbon?
A: To add a custom separator to the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, select the tab and group where you want to add the separator, and then click the “New Separator” button. Drag the separator to the desired location within the group. - Q: How do I reset the Excel Ribbon back to its default settings?
A: To reset the Excel Ribbon back to its default settings, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, click the “Reset” button at the bottom of the window and choose whether you want to reset all customizations or just the Ribbon or Quick Access Toolbar. - Q: How do I hide a tab in the Excel Ribbon?
A: To hide a tab in the Excel Ribbon, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, uncheck the box next to the tab you want to hide. - Q: How do I change the color of the Excel Ribbon?
A: You can change the color of the Excel Ribbon by going to “File” > “Options” > “General” > “Office Theme” and selecting a new color scheme. - Q: Can I customize the Ribbon using VBA code?
A: Yes, you can customize the Ribbon using VBA code. You can use the RibbonX XML markup language to create custom Ribbon elements, and then use VBA code to load and manipulate the Ribbon. There are also Ribbon customizer add-ins available that can simplify the process of creating custom Ribbon elements using VBA. - Q: Can I change the font size of the text in the Excel Ribbon?
A: Yes, you can change the font size of the text in the Excel Ribbon by going to “File” > “Options” > “General” > “Office Theme” and selecting a new font size. Note that this will also change the font size of other Office applications. - Q: Can I customize the Ribbon in Excel for Mac?
A: Yes, you can customize the Ribbon in Excel for Mac by going to “Tools” > “Customize Ribbon”. From here, you can add, remove, or rearrange Ribbon elements. - Q: How do I add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for Mac?
A: To add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for Mac, control-click the command you want to add and select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”. - Q: Can I customize the Ribbon in Excel Online?
A: No, you cannot customize the Ribbon in Excel Online. However, you can customize the Quick Access Toolbar by clicking the drop-down arrow on the right side of the toolbar and selecting “Customize Quick Access Toolbar”. - Q: Can I create a custom Ribbon in Excel for a specific workbook?
A: Yes, you can create a custom Ribbon in Excel for a specific workbook by saving the Ribbon customizations as a workbook-specific customization file. To do this, right-click on any tab and select “Customize the Ribbon”. From here, click the “Import/Export” button and select “Export customizations”. Choose to save the file as a workbook-specific - Q: How do I remove a command from the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel?
A: To remove a command from the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel, right-click on the command and select “Remove from Quick Access Toolbar”. - Q: Can I customize the Ribbon in Excel for iPad?
A: No, you cannot customize the Ribbon in Excel for iPad. - Q: How do I change the order of commands in the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for Mac?
A: To change the order of commands in the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for Mac, drag the command to the desired location. - Q: How do I customize the Ribbon in Excel for Android?
A: You can customize the Ribbon in Excel for Android by tapping the “More” icon at the bottom of the screen and selecting “Customize Quick Access Toolbar”. - Q: How do I hide the Ribbon in Excel?
A: To hide the Ribbon in Excel, double-click on the active tab in the Ribbon, or press Ctrl+F1. - Q: How do I change the default color scheme for the Excel Ribbon?
A: To change the default color scheme for the Excel Ribbon, click the “File” tab, select “Options”, and then select “General”. In the “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, select a new color scheme from the “Office Theme” dropdown menu. - Q: How do I create a custom Ribbon in Excel for a specific workbook?
A: To create a custom Ribbon in Excel for a specific workbook, you can create an add-in that contains the Ribbon XML markup and VBA code to load the Ribbon. Alternatively, you can embed the Ribbon XML markup and VBA code directly into the workbook using a tool like the Custom UI Editor. - Q: How do I change the font size of the Excel Ribbon?
A: To change the font size of the Excel Ribbon, click the “File” tab, select “Options”, and then select “General”. In the “User Interface options” section, change the “Font size” dropdown menu to the desired size. - Q: How do I change the background color of the Excel Ribbon?
A: To change the background color of the Excel Ribbon, click the “File” tab, select “Options”, and then select “General”. In the “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, select a new color from the “Office Background” dropdown menu. - Q: How do I reset the Excel Ribbon to its default settings?
A: To reset the Excel Ribbon to its default settings, click the “File” tab, select “Options”, and then select “Customize Ribbon”. Click the “Reset” button at the bottom of the window, and then click “Reset all customizations”. Note that this will reset all customizations to the Ribbon, including custom tabs, groups, and buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to insert charts in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon allows you to insert charts in Excel. Clicking on the “Insert” tab displays the different chart types you can choose from, such as column, line, pie, bar, and more. You can also customize the chart’s design and layout options by using the tools on this tab. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to access and format Excel tables?
A: The “Table Tools” tab on the Ribbon allows you to access and format Excel tables. When you select a cell within a table, the “Table Tools” tab is displayed on the Ribbon, with two sub-tabs: “Design” and “Layout”. The “Design” tab allows you to apply a pre-defined table style, change the table size, and add or remove rows and columns. The “Layout” tab allows you to adjust the alignment, size, and spacing of cells within the table. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to sort and filter data in Excel?
A: The “Data” tab on the Ribbon allows you to sort and filter data in Excel. Clicking on the “Data” tab displays several tools for managing and analyzing data, such as sorting data in ascending or descending order, filtering data based on specific criteria, and removing duplicates. The “Data” tab also includes tools for importing and exporting data from other sources, such as CSV files and databases. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to create and format Excel charts?
A: The “Chart Tools” tab on the Ribbon allows you to create and format Excel charts. When you select a chart, the “Chart Tools” tab is displayed on the Ribbon, with two sub-tabs: “Design” and “Format”. The “Design” tab allows you to choose a chart type, add chart elements such as titles and legends, and change the chart layout. The “Format” tab allows you to adjust the chart’s appearance, such as its colors, fonts, and effects. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to add and format Excel shapes and objects?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon allows you to add and format Excel shapes and objects. Clicking on the “Insert” tab displays several options for adding shapes, text boxes, and other graphical elements to your workbook. The “Format” tab is displayed when you select a shape or object, and allows you to adjust its appearance, such as its size, position, and style. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to run macros and VBA code in Excel?
A: The “Developer” tab on the Ribbon allows you to run macros and VBA code in Excel. This tab is not visible by default, but can be enabled by going to the Excel Options and selecting “Customize Ribbon”. From there, you can check the box next to “Developer” to display this tab on the Ribbon. The “Developer” tab includes tools for recording and running macros, as well as accessing the Visual Basic Editor for creating and editing VBA code. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to add conditional formatting in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon allows you to add conditional formatting in Excel. Clicking on the “Conditional Formatting” button displays several options for applying formatting based on specific criteria, such as data bars, color scales, and icon sets. You can also create custom rules using the “New Rule” option. The “Conditional Formatting” button is located in the “Styles” group on the “Home” tab. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to manage Excel add-ins?
A: The “File” tab on the Ribbon allows you to manage Excel add-ins. Clicking on the “Options” button and selecting “Add-ins” displays a list of currently installed add-ins, as well as options for managing and configuring them. You can also install new add-ins by clicking on the “Store” button or by browsing for add-ins on your computer. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to insert hyperlinks in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon allows you to insert hyperlinks in Excel. Clicking on the “Hyperlink” button displays a dialog box where you can enter the URL or file path for the hyperlink, as well as customize its display text and other properties. You can also insert hyperlinks to specific cells or ranges within your workbook using the “Place in This Document” option. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to protect and secure Excel workbooks?
A: The “Review” tab on the Ribbon allows you to protect and secure Excel workbooks. Clicking on the “Protect Workbook” button displays several options for protecting the workbook, such as adding a password to open or modify the workbook, encrypting its contents, and restricting access to specific users or groups. You can also track changes and comments using the tools on this tab. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to insert and edit Excel functions?
A: The “Formulas” tab on the Ribbon allows you to insert and edit Excel functions. Clicking on the “Insert Function” button displays a dialog box where you can search for and select a function, as well as enter its arguments and other options. The “Formulas” tab also includes tools for auditing and debugging formulas, such as the “Evaluate Formula” and “Trace Dependents” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon allows you to set page layout options for Excel worksheets?
A: The “Page Layout” tab on the Ribbon allows you to set page layout options for Excel worksheets. Clicking on this tab displays tools for adjusting the page orientation, margins, and scaling, as well as adding headers, footers, and page numbers. You can also customize the page setup options for printing the worksheet using the “Print Titles” and “Page Setup” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the basic formatting tools in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon contains the basic formatting tools in Excel, such as font styles, font size, font color, cell styles, and alignment options. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for inserting and editing charts in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for inserting and editing charts in Excel, such as bar charts, pie charts, line charts, and scatter plots. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for managing and editing Excel worksheets?
A: The “View” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for managing and editing Excel worksheets, such as zooming in and out, splitting the worksheet, and arranging multiple windows. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for formatting numbers and dates in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for formatting numbers and dates in Excel, such as currency symbols, decimal places, and date formats. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for sorting and filtering data in Excel?
A: The “Data” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for sorting and filtering data in Excel, such as the “Sort” and “Filter” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for creating and editing PivotTables in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for creating and editing PivotTables in Excel, such as the “PivotTable” and “PivotChart” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and formatting shapes and images in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and formatting shapes and images in Excel, such as the “Shapes” and “Picture” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for protecting and securing Excel workbooks?
A: The “Review” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for protecting and securing Excel workbooks, such as the “Protect Workbook” and “Protect Sheet” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for customizing the Excel Ribbon itself?
A: The “File” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for customizing the Excel Ribbon itself, such as the “Options” button and the “Customize Ribbon” option. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and editing formulas in Excel?
A: The “Formulas” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and editing formulas in Excel, such as the “Function Library” and “Insert Function” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for finding and replacing data in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for finding and replacing data in Excel, such as the “Find” and “Replace” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and formatting tables in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and formatting tables in Excel, such as the “Table” button and the “Table Styles” gallery. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for printing and previewing Excel worksheets?
A: The “File” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for printing and previewing Excel worksheets, such as the “Print” and “Print Preview” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and formatting sparklines in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the tools for adding and formatting sparklines in Excel, such as the “Line Sparkline” and “Column Sparkline” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to save an Excel file?
A: The “File” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to save an Excel file, located in the left-hand pane under the “Save” and “Save As” buttons. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to print an Excel worksheet?
A: The “File” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to print an Excel worksheet, located in the left-hand pane under the “Print” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to insert a hyperlink in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to insert a hyperlink in Excel, located in the “Links” group under the “Hyperlink” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to format cells in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to format cells in Excel, located in the “Font” and “Alignment” groups. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to merge cells in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to merge cells in Excel, located in the “Alignment” group under the “Merge & Center” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to insert a picture in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to insert a picture in Excel, located in the “Illustrations” group under the “Pictures” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to add a comment in Excel?
A: The “Review” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to add a comment in Excel, located in the “Comments” group under the “New Comment” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to insert a chart in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to insert a chart in Excel, located in the “Charts” group under the “Insert Chart” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to sort data in Excel?
A: The “Data” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to sort data in Excel, located in the “Sort & Filter” group under the “Sort” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to filter data in Excel?
A: The “Data” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to filter data in Excel, located in the “Sort & Filter” group under the “Filter” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to freeze panes in Excel?
A: The “View” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to freeze panes in Excel, located in the “Window” group under the “Freeze Panes” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to add a function in Excel?
A: The “Formulas” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to add a function in Excel, located in the “Function Library” group under the “Insert Function” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to protect a worksheet in Excel?
A: The “Review” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to protect a worksheet in Excel, located in the “Changes” group under the “Protect Sheet” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to format numbers in Excel?
A: The “Home” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to format numbers in Excel, located in the “Number” group under the “Number Format” button. - Q: Which tab on the Ribbon contains the command to add a pivot table in Excel?
A: The “Insert” tab on the Ribbon contains the command to add a pivot table in Excel, located in the “Tables” group.
When I want to add a command, I’m not sure of the name of it and it’s hard to find it in the “All commands” list.
What would be nice is to build a list of all commands (including the ones that’s NOT already in ribbon tabs).