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Project Management Templates

  • ✅ 50+ Excel Templates
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Effortlessly Manage Your Projects
Seamlessly manage your projects with our powerful & multi-purpose templates for project management.

A Gantt chart is the most famous and useful tool for effective planning and managing your projects. Gantt Chart in Excel helps you visually represent your tasks, timelines, progress and status for better understanding of Project schedules and progress.

Creating Gantt Chart in Excel

Excel Application doesn’t have the built-in Gantt Chart type in Excel. However, we can use Bar Chart or Lin chart in Excel to create Gantt Chart in Excel. Creating a Gantt Chart in Excel might seem difficult initially, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a very useful tool for managing your projects. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can create your own Gantt Chart in Excel.

Create Gantt Chart in Excel

  1. Create Data table for Gantt Chart
  2. Populate the data for Tasks and Timelines
  3. Select Tasks and Start date And Insert Bar Chart
  4. Add Task Duration Series to the Chart
  5. Format the Chart Axis to display the Tasks in Gantt Chart

Step 1:  Create Data for Excel Gantt Chart

Create the sample data for creating Gantt Chart in Excel. It requires Task Name, Start Date and Duration to Create Excel Gantt Chart. Insert the Excel Table and with the required Columns as shown below:

Task Start Date Duration
Task Title 1 2023-08-01 40
Task Title 2 2023-08-08 35
Task Title 3 2023-08-15 55
Task Title 4 2023-08-05 35
Task Title 5 2023-08-29 20
Task Title 6 2023-09-05 15
Task Title 7 2023-08-20 30
Task Title 8 2023-09-01 40
Task Title 9 2023-09-05 30
Task Title 10 2023-09-10 20

Step 2: Populate the Data

Now, you can add you project tasks and timelines in the data table created in the Step 1. You can add all the tasks, Start and Duration of Each Task  as shown in the above table. You can add additional columns to create advanced Gantt Chart in Excel. For example: Responsible Person, Progress and Status.

Task Responsible Person Start Date Duration Progress Status
Task Title 1 John Doe 2023-08-01 40 100% Completed
Task Title 2 Jane Smith 2023-08-08 50 100% Completed
Task Title 3 Mary Johnson 2023-08-15 25 80% Ongoing
Task Title 4 James Brown 2023-08-22 30 75% Ongoing
Task Title 5 Emily Davis 2023-08-29 15 60% Ongoing
Task Title 6 Michael Miller 2023-09-05 30 50% Ongoing
Task Title 7 Jessica Garcia 2023-09-12 50 30% Ongoing
Task Title 8 Robert Rodriguez 2023-09-19 25 20% Ongoing
Task Title 9 Linda Martinez 2023-09-26 30 10% Ongoing
Task Title 10 Paul Hernandez 2023-10-03 20 0% Not Started

3. Insert Bar Chart

Now select the Tasks and Start Date from Data Table and then Insert the Stacked Bar Chart from Charts commands in the Insert Tab. You will see the below Chart for Your Data.

Insert Chart for Gantt Chart

4. Add Task Duration

Then add new series for Task Duration. Please see the below steps to add new Chart Series.

  • You can right click on the Chart
  • Click on the ‘Select Data’
  • Then Add button to add series
  • Then Select Series Name as Duration
  • And Select Series values from the Data Table

Add New Series for Task Duration

5. Format the Axis to show the Task in Gantt Chart

The order of the vertical axis show from bottom to top. You can reverse the series to show it in the correct order.

Format Axis to Show Tasks on Gantt Chart

with these steps, you can see that the Gantt Chart is created for your data. Finally, refine your chart by adding task descriptions, adjusting bar colors, and formatting the date axis for clarity. You can format the Gantt Chart to suite your requirements. You can add more fields to create advanced Gantt Chart.

Gantt Chart Excel

Gantt Chart in Excel is a powerful tool for planning and managing your projects. Here is the Excel file with Gantt Chart in Excel. You can download and explore the Excel Gantt Chart to understand the steps and create your own Gantt Chart.

Gantt Chart in Excel

Gantt Chart Excel Practice File

Finally! Excel’s user-friendly and customizable nature makes it a preferred tool for many project managers. Excel doesn’t provide the built-in Gantt Chart Type, but we can create very easy to use Gantt Charts in Excel. Excel’s Gantt Charts are very effective once it is created first time. They allow you to represent your projects in a visual timeline and format them using built-in Excel Tools.

Hope, you found this useful! Please download the attached templates and let us know you feedback. Your feedback is very valuable in helping us continually improve our templates and provide the most useful tools for our readers.

Published On: July 27th, 2023Last Updated: April 27th, 2024

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